The Fangwatch

The shadowy Fangwatch patrols the Arthfell Forest within Darkmoon Vale, and only occasionally leaves the forest or moves into the heart of it south of the vale. Members of this order stand out from other rangers thanks to their unusual attire and practices. Fangwatch rangers wear form-fitting bodysuits and other tight clothes, frequently covered with more flowing outerwear to break up their silhouettes. When seen by anyone outside the order, a Fangwatch ranger usually wears a half mask covering the nose and mouth. As they rarely look the part of rangers, most people who see members of the Fangwatch, their masks, and their unique garb, assume them to be a group of thieves or other lawbreakers. The rangers long ago gave up trying to convince people otherwise.

Led by charismatic and boisterous Rutho Steiggerson, the Fangwatch consists of roughly three dozen rangers and a handful of barbarians. Rutho grew up in Darkmoon Vale and founded the Fangwatch when he was 19. When young Tablic (see Greenfire Circle below) first came to the vale, the two became fast friends (but only after they engaged in a brief tussle over some argument they’ve both long-since forgotten). When the young druid became the leader of the Greenfire Circle, Rutho introduced him to Ingrid Odeber, and their famous romance began. Rutho also introduced Commander Odeber to his own lieutenant, Aurore Kaiseva, a talented ranger with a frightening hatred for werewolves. Ingrid and Aurore are fast friends, and their camaraderie has improved people’s opinions of the Fangwatch.

The Fangwatch ostensibly exerts control over the north half of the Arthfell Forest, ceding influence over the southern half to the deputies of Elberwick. The Fangwatch patrols not just the part of the forest that stands within Darkmoon Vale, but also all of the wooded area within 10 leagues of the Elberwick Rise. Thanks to Rutho’s activities (some say “meddlings”), the Diamond Regiment, Fangwatch, and Greenfire Circle work in concert to patrol the vale and maintain as much security as possible for its residents.

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