Greenfire Circle

Plagued by attacks from ignorant lumberjacks, disgruntled Ulfden residents, and their own brethren (in the forms of the various dark druid factions), the Greenfire Circle druids nonetheless continue their efforts to find balance in the region.

Prior to Tablic’s leadership, the circle attempted this impossible feat alone, keeping its activities and members protected behind a veil of secrecy. Tablic became head of the circle when he defeated the previous leader in a series of challenges that culminated in a nonlethal battle. Embittered by his loss, the former leader founded the Third Veil druid circle and antagonized the Greenfire Circle for several years before dying in battle with Tablic’s apprentice. Since taking charge, Tablic made the circle and its actions open to non-members, showing the people of Darkmoon Vale how his druids strive for balance (not a wholesale cessation of land-altering changes). As part of his drive toward transparency, Tablic enlisted the aid of the Fangwatch and the Diamond Regiment. His close work with those two groups eventually led him to marry Ingrid Odeber, leader of the Diamond Regiment and a woman nearly 10 years his junior.

Greenfire Circle druids act as intermediaries between the region’s industrious humans and its fey (and other natural) residents. Most of its druids live within Arthfell Forest, but a handful reside in Darkmoon Wood, the Wolfrun Hils, at the base of the Aspodell Mountains, and near some of the more scenic hot springs. Some members can take the forms of animals (usually falcons or other birds of prey, but never wolves) and use this ability to patrol vast swaths of ground or spy on Lumber Consortium bosses and others they consider enemies.

Tablic - The Haunted Leader
As leader of the Greenfire Circle and husband of beautiful Ingrid Odeber, many people consider Tablic the luckiest man in Darkmoon Vale. Indeed, in the last several years, Tablic’s fortunes have done nothing but rise. Behind his success, though, Tablic remains haunted by a past riddled with crime.

At one time, Tablic was a pesh addict in Almas. He ran with a rough crowd and committed his first violent crime at the tender age of 9. For his 15th birthday, Tablic’s dealer gave the lad a concussion and a broken rib when Tablic tried to pay for a dose with too little coin. When he recovered, Tablic murdered a merchant and bought enough pesh with the stolen coins to kill a horse, much less a distraught and suicidal young human. Fate intervened, however, when the Azure Guard found Tablic and rescued him from his own folly. When the Azure Guard later broke up, in Darkmoon Vale, Tablic sought out another group to join, eventually ending up with the Greenfire Circle (of which he became leader 2 years later).

Guilt still gnaws at Tablic. He knows he cannot forever escape his past, and with each passing year he steels himself a little more for his inevitable return to Almas.