Dark Druids

Whispered and fearful rumors speak of active dark druid circles operating in or near Darkmoon Vale. These circles, known as the Shadow Pack and Third Veil, prey on the innocent people of the vale and occasionally cast shadows of doubt over the hard-working members of the Greenfire Circle.

Shadow Pack: For the most part, the Shadow Pack remains a reactionary group of lycanthropic druids whose main activity seems to be preventing logging within Arthfell Forest. Organized recruitment drives are extremely rare, and usually only follow sweeps conducted by the Fangwatch from the north and deputies of Elberwick’s sheriff from the south. Members of the Shadow Pack almost never conduct raids outside the forest, as they seem content to remain within its boundaries. In general, only those who must venture into or through the Arthfell need fear the Shadow Pack, although residents of Olfden certainly suspect its members were a part of the Night of Silver Blood.

Generally, the Shadow Pack and the Fangwatch maintain a careful cease-fire that keeps an uneasy but balanced peace in the forest. Occasionally, one group or the other initiates a conflict, causing a frequently brief but always blood-soaked war that displaces other residents of the Arthfell. On exceedingly rare occasions, the two enemies put aside their differences and work together, although this only occurs when some greater foe threatens the forest (such as the trampling of Arthfell by the Slohr in 3537). The Shadow Pack and sheriff deputies of Elberwick never work together and tend to attack one another on sight.

Third Veil: Rumors hold that Third Veil members live among their victims and maintain a number of standing stone circles within hard-to-reach grottos in the Wolfrun Hills. These rumors do not report how the Third Veil lures or takes its victims into the hills, however, so the Diamond Regiment pays the stories little heed. Some people in Olfden consider the Third Veil a myth concocted by the Greenfire Circle to keep people from wandering around within the Wolfrun Hills. These conspiracy theorists hypothesize that something exists within the hills that the circle wants to keep secret from normal folk. The Diamond Regiment pays these theories even less heed.

What people in Olfden know for certain, however, is that occasionally someone—almost always the elderly or infirm—disappears from within the town or a nearby farm and then turns up a few months later in the Wolfrun Hills. These victims bear absolutely no indication of the cause of their death, but their faces always look completely relaxed and without any fear or apprehension.