
These are the biographies of the heroes of Westfell. To be added as the Players complete their characters. Among the party will be :

Quick Jim Barelycorn, An Andoran Human Rogue played by Jamison Maher

Najáre Najál, A rare Catfolk Ranger from Faraway Catapesh played by Sarah Perry

Sif Amarth, A Half-Elf ( Snowcaster/Ulfen) Ranger from the Ironbound Archipelago in the Land of the Linnorm Kings played by Nikki Reese

Belton, An Aasimar/Half-Celestial Inquisitor played by Mike Ellison. Does he have Angel Wings and a Halo, you ask? Yes. Yes he does...seriously.

Gaia, An Elven Aasimar Magus played by Ashley Tilley. Her past, her purpose and even her name is currently a mystery to the group. 

May the odds ever be in their favor.

Sif Amarth

Sif Amarth
A half-elven Ranger from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

Sif's mother hails from the city of Battlewall in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, land of the only female king, White Estrid and the only Linnorm King to claim her throne with a living linnorm beside her, rather than one dead at her feet. Her mother was an outspoken, overly independent Ulfen woman, who driven to misandry by the barbarity and rapaciousness of the local warriors, took to life among the sorority of Shield-Maidens. 

When serving as an Ulfen Raider in a War Party border-skirmishing in Irrisen, she encountered and fell in love with a Snowcaster elf who was travelling as a Twilight Speaker spy for the great elven cities of the Crown of the World. Falling deeply in love with the slender elf and not much caring for her homeland and people, they struck off together, taking refuge in the wilderness for a while and allowing her to dodge the advances of the local men. Travelling throughout the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and finding love together in the loney places of the snow-bound country, they shared a companionship that overcame the barriers between races. 

Her Mother returns back to her home village in Battlewall after Sif is born, and her elven father returns to his homeland to report what he has learned, but her mother is shunned for her miscegenation, and forced to raise Sif in the wild, fleeing to the Grungir forest on the mainland.

With such an upbringing, her mother's bitterness toward Ulfen men and the society that discarded her seeps into her daughter. Sif is leary of sharing her feelings or trusting in particular, but has a sort of loyal and underlying urge to help all in need, as she so needed help during her harsh and lonely childhood...wanting to be a part of something, but never truly belonging.

Now a master of the wilds, Sif travels south, her mother having grown wizened and passing on from old age as Sif retained the everyouth of her half-elven parentage. Bondless after her mothers death, without family or a people, Sif travels to take in the wildlands of other nations. now having wandered all the way to egalitarian Andoran, she finds a people more curiously accepting of her mixed heritage and willing to accept the powerful woman that she has become. 

Belton Harrald

Belton Harrald's mother, Ailsa, was as devout a follower of Aroden as any in the city of Oregent, working tirelessly in service of the Azlanti-turned god, before his "mysterious disappearance" (her words, not Belton's), and evermore feverishly in the wake of the unfulfilled promises of the Starfall Doctrine. She would go on to tell Belton before her death that he must keep his faith honed sharp, for Aroden's test of their faith was merely that. "Gods do not answer letters." she would say, begging Belton to reconsider his misplaced faith, and come back into the light that had spawned him.

You see, Belton was not a normal Harrald, born into a life of lumberwork or mining "future," empty and short as such a one may be. Belton's "father" was always a mystery to the child, not truly understanding the power of the gods until his 13th birthday, when he was awoken by so brilliant a sunrise he felt he may go blind with his eyes shut tight. Upon adjusting to this brightness, Belton realized that, in fact, it was not a light shining on him, but rather one from within him. Ailsa had always told Belton that, truly, he had been born of her faith, but being precocious, cynical, and doubtful, he believed rather that his mother had been secretly hiding an affair with a member of Aroden's clerical brotherhood in the city. Why else would Father Timo had cared so well for the boy growing up?

That year, Belton discovered myriad clues and answers relating to his own existence, and his powers. He  had been born of his mother's faith, this much is true -- a solar of Aroden who had visited Oregent  had been so lovestruck by the beautiful, young Ailsa that he could not contain an outpouring of his celestial energy, something she accepted wholeheartedly. Timo, believing Belton to be the proof of Aroden's impending arrival, (Harrald truly would be befitting a sign of this magnitude, would it not?) took great care to immerse the boy in all the truest, most devout teachings of the church, taking him on as an apprentice the very moment his halo appeared, assisting Belton in easing the physical, emotional, and interpersonal pain of growing into his fledgling wings, and upon seeing his size, introducing him to the ways of the inquisitor.

One day, while out exploring the wilderness, 14 year-old Belton caught something, no, someone? out from the corner of his eye. A beautiful elf-like creature, absolutely stunning, and also with wings, though hers were dark as night and full of stars, flitted between the trees and rocks of the mountains. "How lucky you are," it said to him, "to discover yourself in my presence." Belton had heard stories of Desna from Timo, but he'd left out the most crucial part: her absolute, devotion-inspiring beauty.

Not wanting to disappoint his mother, the solar who was his biological father, or Timo raising him, Belton kept his love for Desna secret, squirreled away in his heart... until, that is, the arrival that never came.When Timo and the other followers of Aroden lost their power, it became clear to Belton that the only worship safe was that of the eldest gods, and that of the strongest pull - love and adventure, and love of adventure. He began searching out Desnan clerics and roving worshippers, attempting to gain the favor of his beautiful goddess, but never meeting the kind of inquisitors of Aroden's churches. This was when Belton decided to take it upon himself to find his way as such, but before leaving his mother, he promised to carry a well-worn copy of the History and Future of Humanity, in preparation for the inevitable return of Aroden.

Gaia - The Elven Aasimar Maiden

Little is know about this enigmatic woman. She is a mystery. Who is she? Where did she come from? How did an elf come to carry the blood of Celestials? Many questions beg to be answered...

Quick Jim Barleycorn

A true and free son of Andoran. A citizen with no lord to bow to. A man of means by no means, a King of the Road. This Ramblin' man needs a god-damned bio written for christ's sake. He's the best-conceived and most wonderfully roplayed and executed character of the whole entourage and he has nothing here. Nada. Zip...

It's sad! 

Here's a picture of how I imagine him:

Najáre Najál

A Qadiran Catfolk Ranger from the Southern Tapur Forest in the Ketz desert north of the Zho Mountains south of the great Pashman River. Rangers of Qadira are varied in their outlooks. Some are wanderers of the desert or the sparse grasslands, nurturing the wildlife, guarding against interlopers and those who would destroy what few natural wonders have not already surrendered to the sands. Some serve in the satrap’s armies, as camel-mounted archers prepared to strike down Qadira’s foes. These camel-riders perhaps are the most deadly of all, combining the Keleshite’s natural love of comfort (and annoyance at being removed from it) with a lethal knack for taking down enemies at range. A few Qadiran gnolls use their ranger skills to guard their own packs and fiercely defend their territory from interlopers. 

Najáre's Catfolk people shar a common culture with their human Keleshites neighbors. They treasure their women as priceless jewels, particularly among the upper classes, where wealth and status is traced through matrilineal descent. Men and women both pursue whatever professions they choose, though females do so with slightly more freedom, as their fathers prepare the way for them with gifts and guarantees of comfort no matter what wealth (if any at all) their choice of life will bring. No profession is barred to a Qadiran woman, and if she elects to become a weaver or a dervish, a wizard or a horse breeder, no proper Keleshite father or husband dares stand in her way. Born to the fairy-haunted wilds of the Tapur Forest, Najáre grew to love the ways of the forest and the wilderness. It became her true home. Now she roams Golarion exploring other forests and having adventures. But destiny is calling to her and the Gods have taken notice. The Cat-Lord sees in her a successor and the ancient Smilodon-spirit Ithayiga, a Spirit-God of the ancient Dire Tiger, proclaimed her an adoptive Daughter and promises to watch over her. An important fate is in store for her.

Cröm - Kellid Barbarian from Numeria

The history of the Kellid tribes in the nation of Numeria is a long and strange tale, stretching back to a time before Earthfall. When the fall of the Starstone devastated the world, the Kellids retreated to caves to weather the Age of Darkness. Though beset by subterranean predators, such as ogres and other horrors, this proud people survived better, arguably, than many cultures. Just over 240 years later, they emerged and successfully reclaimed their lands. Their experience serves as a testament to their endurance and forever marks them as strong and determined survivors.

Kellids are a brawny, dark-haired folk who bear the scars and weathering of rough lives spent in the open. Their eye color tends toward black, blue, or steel gray, and their flesh is generally deeply tanned.

Savage as the bitter wind that blasts the tundra of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, strong as the skymetals that fell to Numeria long ago, and sturdy as the wasteland that endures near the smear of the Worldwound, Kellids are defined by their survival. Clad in fur pelts and leather hides, Kellid barbarians and hunting parties sweep the vast frozen plains of northern Avistan, from the snowcapped Tusk Mountains in the west to the icy waters of the Lake of Mist and Veils in the east. Feared for their ferocity and brute strength.

Bound to nature, Kellids use everything the land offers, making tools, building shelters, and crafting jewelry and strange animal fetishes from the bones and hides of the creatures they kill—sometimes normal forest beasts, and sometimes dangerous megafauna in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Kellids prefer simple leathers and furs as dress, and layer appropriately when the climate dictates. Their close relationship with nature leads a few Kellids to practice an ancient animistic religion, seeing spirits, lesser gods, and stranger entities in the creatures, places, and objects around them. However, traveling over untamed wilderness and confronting violent beasts and brigands leads most modern Kellids to worship Desna and Gorum. 

Reynardette l'Château d'Amberville

Galt has always been a nation of free thinkers and radicals renowned for brilliant poets, artists and philosophers whose ideas shaped the politics of the whole of Avistan. Chief among these was  the half-elf philosopher Hosseter, who wrote the scathing political essays Imperial Betrayal. These essays helped increase the dislike of Imperial Cheliax and they spread dissent across Andoran and even into the heartland of Cheliax itself. Then Darl Jubannich, the poet of Woodsedge, capitalised on this by publishing his own attack on Cheliax and the very concept of the divine right of kings called On Government. This created further hatred of the new government of Cheliax which quickly blossomed into all-out rebellion. Mobs tore down all the symbols of Chelaxian oppression and executed those they felt were Chelaxian sympathisers, predominantly the nobility. Soon Hossiter and Jubannich, along with other heroes of the revolution, formed the Revolutionary Council to rule the newly-independent nation of Galt. Little did they understand the beast they had created, for within five years the first Revolutionary Council had been overthrown by another set of bloodthirsty revolutionaries who wanted change. And so began the cycle of bloodshed and revolution after revolution that has lead to Galt's decline into a nation inhabited by mobs of paranoid, revolutionary fanatics.

The people of Galt were once renowned for their free-thinking and lust for life, but during the long years of revolution this has slowly turned to bloodlust. Their free-thinking nature has become fanatical, revolutionary zeal, and their lust for life turned into a bloodlust towards those they perceive as responsible for the terrible conditions now prevalent in their land. All too often, the residents of Galt are forced into homelessness as the infrastructure of Galt has long since collapsed and food has become a scarce commodity. The people of Galt are generally distrustful of strangers, which is not helped by Citizen Goss's fiery rhetoric which blames all of Galt's problems on outsiders. From this troubled land emerges the quiet heroine René.

Daughter of Bérenger Saunière a one-time priest turned spy and a veteran of the Mendevian Crusades 

and Noël Corbu an exotic mademoiselle formerly a courtesan and spy from Absalom. Both clever creatures descended from exotic Kitsune of the Dragon Empires and firmly naturalized citizens of Avistan with the ways, mannerisms and appearances of native Galtans and Taldorans.

Reynardette l'Château d'Amberville ( or René of the noble House of the town of Amber) was born in the shadow of Mont Pech-le-Cardou in Galt in the tumult of the post revolutionary years. Her father, once a close confidant and spy for the Comte d' Saint Germaine, a heroic Galtan crusader and Chevalier of renown who survived the madness of the Galtan Revolution only to die at the hands of a later revolutionary peoples council looking for scapegoats. 

René has recently fled the madness of Galt's Age of Terror to the safety of neighboring Andoran.