
These are the biographies of the heroes of Westfell. To be added as the Players complete their characters. Among the party will be :

Quick Jim Barelycorn, An Andoran Human Rogue played by Jamison Maher

Najáre Najál, A rare Catfolk Ranger from Faraway Catapesh played by Sarah Perry

Sif Amarth, A Half-Elf ( Snowcaster/Ulfen) Ranger from the Ironbound Archipelago in the Land of the Linnorm Kings played by Nikki Reese

Belton, An Aasimar/Half-Celestial Inquisitor played by Mike Ellison. Does he have Angel Wings and a Halo, you ask? Yes. Yes he does...seriously.

Gaia, An Elven Aasimar Magus played by Ashley Tilley. Her past, her purpose and even her name is currently a mystery to the group. 

May the odds ever be in their favor.