
By far the greatest danger posed to the people of Darkmoon Vale is the abundance of werewolves. These dark-hearted lycanthropes menace townsfolk and murder farmers and travelers. Their influence stretches from Arthfell Forest, where most of them seem to live, north into the Five Kings Mountains.

Many sages speculate that the werewolves once contented themselves with rulership of Arthfell Forest, but with the introduction of human lumberjacks and the subsequent mass-thinning of trees, the lycanthropes found themselves masters of an ever-decreasing domain. In retaliation, the werewolves spread out across Darkmoon Vale, exerting their influence over not only the stumplittered lands that once held their beloved forest, but the surrounding hills and plains as well. The rise of Oregent in the south seems to have pushed the werewolves north, out of Elbewick Shire and into Darkmoon Vale.

Once a month, the lycanthropes’ murderous bloodlust empties the forests of their werewolves, who maraud throughout the surrounding countryside. Olfden prepares for its monthly besieging for the three weeks the moon is not full, and with the exception of the Night of Silver Blood, the town has had little trouble repelling these attacks. Every month, it seems, the number of werewolves knocking at the town’s gates (or rising up from within the walls themselves) rises.

Of course, werewolves aren’t only dangerous during the full moon, but those born lycanthropes and who this can change their form at will learned long ago to conceal their identities for most of the month. Only when the moon shines bright and full in the sky do the most cautious werewolves give in to their animalistic lusts and join their brethren in three nights of raucous destruction and chaos.