
Although by no means common in Darkmoon Vale, undead do infrequently rise to terrorize and haunt the region’s inhabitants. The largest known concentration of undead activity (usually only haunts, but occasionally ghosts and wraiths) occurs at the foot of the Crags, within the ruins of Raseri Kanton. Recently, though, a rise in other undead near a particular dwarven ruin has put the citizenry of Falcon’s Hollow on edge.

Ghost-like creatures have begun appearing near the foothills of Droskar’s Crag and seem to ever be on some kind of mission, as they tend to ignore those they float past. These dark shades follow the roads through the mountains, and many cross over Kingtower Pass. In addition, rumors from travelers in the area speak of undead dwarves climbing out of various ruins. Most of these animated corpses bear chains, say the rumors, which they use to bind the unwary.

A decade ago, lumberjacks working in the northeastern part of Darkmoon Wood reported encounters with what they called dead tree-creatures brought to life. After woodsmen of the Lumber Consortium turned up no evidence of such creatures, the lumberjacks were reprimanded for spreading false and alarmist rumors. Recently, though, such reports have resurfaced among lumberjacks. The Greenfire Circle reluctantly allied (temporarily) with the Lumber Consortium, and with their combined efforts they found and defeated what the druids called an undead treant. Attacks against lumberjacks stopped for a few weeks, but recent sightings of other shambling, leafless tree-creatures has both lumberjacks and druids on edge.