Relations With Neighbors

Among the ruling classes of other countries, Andoran suffers from a poor international image. Foreigners’ desire to retain unfettered control over their subjects faces a serious threat from the Andoren ideals of freedom and democracy, and though these foreign rulers may insist that they want better lives for their subjects, their actions betray their true motivations.

Cheliax: Cheliax still does not recognize Andoran as a separate country, but prefers to look at its neighbor as a breakaway, rebellious province. The nobles of the House of Thrune are said to realize that the chances of reunion with Andoran are slim, but officially restrain themselves from commenting on the matter. The two countries share a tense border, dotted with garrisons and keeps, and rumor has it that Chelish agents move back and forth across this border on “repatriation” raids, in which they kidnap Andorens and drag them back for intensive questioning and realignment of their patriotic duties.

Druma: Druma regards Andoran as little more than a potential market; its leaders have no time for the democratic shenanigans of the Andorens, and deal with them as infrequently as possible. They are allies only in economic terms, and any military alliance would have to be paid for before Druma would bestir its forces.

Isger: As one of Cheliax’s few remaining holdings, Isger’s attitude toward Andoran is one of outright hostility. Fortunately for Andoran, Isger’s forces stand on guard against a resurgence of goblinoids from the Chitterwood, and must defend the vital trade routes through their country. They have no time, energy, or resources to devote to causing trouble in Andoran.

Kyonin: Kyonin keeps largely to itself, and the Andorens return the favor. Though the elves have their noble houses and commoners, they see the core of the Andoren philosophy as a close cousin to that of their own, which respects life in nearly all its forms. The two countries have recognized no formal alliance, but if asked, Andoran would likely send troops to defend the elves, and the elves might help Andoran in other, subtler ways. Commerce between these two countries is either infrequent or covert.

Taldor: The introspection and decadence of Taldor dooms its relationship with Andoran to a minor irritant, at best. The Taldan nobles spend their time plotting against each other, against Qadira, against Cheliax—in short, against nearly everyone on Golarion. They are in no danger of uniting to face Andoran, and until they do, the worst they can offer is a series of raids and border skirmishes, which the Andoren militia guards against with fervor and dedication. Andorens can trade in Taldor and travel freely, though of late more Andorens have been disappearing in the cities and villages of their ancient mother country.