Colonies of Andoran

Colonies of Andoran survive far from the shores of Avistan. Founded back before Andoran renounced Cheliax or Taldor, they have grown and changed in the intervening years to become their own entities. Though magic and the enduring spirit of Andorens serve to unite them under a common thread, in some places that thread has become taut and threatens to snap altogether.

Arcadian Colonies: Settlements such as Elesomare dot the eastern coast of the Arcadian continent, providing ships full of lumber and agricultural goods to the homeland. Since few of Andoran’s pre-revolution nobles had decamped to Arcadia in the first place, and since the colonists had largely left Avistan to escape the nobles’ reach, the notes of the revolution sounded sweet to the colonists’ ears. They have embraced the government’s change wholeheartedly and have begun the dangerous work of dismantling the power of the Lumber Consortium in Arcadia. Back in Avistan, the Eagle Knights and the government do not officially approve of these efforts, but seem strangely slow to send reinforcements to aid the beleaguered Lumber Consortium camps in Arcadia. The colonists of Arcadia hold to an idealized view of the People’s Revolt, and some of the sailors returning from a voyage across the sea suggest that they might be approaching Galtan levels of idealism.

The Sun Temple Colony: This place on old Azlant’s rocky shores is one of the most notable and terrible of Andoran’s colonial efforts. Though the colonists have largely disappeared from human knowledge and the daylight world, they have left certain clues that they still survive. Rumored to be religious fanatics hidden away from the sun behind ivory doors that bear fantastically carved friezes of disporting horrors, they still contrive to reach out to mystics and seekers after higher truth in Almas. It is said that a special house on a poorly lit street in the capital is an anchor, a new and magical gateway to their commune, but the investigators who seek the truth of this knowledge have either found nothing or have disappeared. What the Dwellers in the Temple now desire is beyond the knowledge of men.

Other Colonies: Andorens are an adventurous, nomadic people, and now they have the fervor of their new patriotism to light their way. Groups of hundreds strike off across the world every year, intent on discovery and revelation, and who knows which of them may flourish? Seed colonies have sprung up on every continent across Golarion; some of them have made close allies and others have created mortal enemies. Still others have disappeared altogether. Whether any bear fruit for Andoran as a whole remains to be seen.