Personalities of Andoran: Jamus Hainard

Local Hero Jamus Hainard: Jamus grew up near Oregent. His home shire was terrorized in his youth by vampires from the Nogortha Necropolis for nearly a year before a company of Eagle Knights eradicated the undead. The image of these valiant warriors standing in the breach, protecting the common folk, resonated strongly with Jamus and his family’s faith in Erastil. When he asked the Eagle Knights what he must to become one of them, they lauded the boy’s courage and strength of heart; their commander gave the halfling an eagle-marked dagger and encouraged him to study, to train, and to pray that Erastil give him the strength to stand as a warrior. Jamus took their encouragement to heart, training mind, body, and spirit, tempered with mercy but honored to serve and protect. Invested as an Eagle Knight 10 years later by the same knights who first inspired him, Jamus is now a mentor to aspiring heroes, and willing to answer the call of a righteous champion in need of an able second.

A solid halfling with brown eyes and hair, Jamus is friendly to people of all walks of life. He is quick to reprimand bullies or any that mock his size—with a punitive thrashing if circumstances warrant it.