Personalities of Andoran: General Reginald Cormoth

General Reginald Cormoth: Commander of the Eagle Knights and Lord of the Guardian Tower, General Reginald Cormoth is a career military man. Born in Claes in 4636 and trained in the naval academies of Augustana, Reginald began his career stationed in Carpenden, hunting pirates off the Cape of Hope. His daring actions destroying Taldan slave galleys drew the attention of the local Eagle Knights, who inducted him into their ranks. A string of early successes across Andoran (and even once in the Arcadian colonies) marked him as a rising star. His strategic foresight and tactical puissance brought a rapid ascent to the High Command, where he reestablished ties with the Eagle Knights (while rumored to be secretly coordinating operations for the Twilight Talons). In 4689, he was elected Consul, and in 4694, Executive Consul and Lord Captain Commander of the Eagle Knights, serving as the Eagle Knights’ public face and reporting on the actions of the knighthood to the People’s Council. Drawing on his experience in unconventional operations, Reginald pushed the Eagle Knights to diversify their skills, powers, and classes. While a commitment to justice, truth, and the ideals of Andoran are an absolute requirement, he is not above bending the rules if necessary to get a job done. Called “the Old Man” affectionately by some (and fearfully by others), Reginald has a playful side, smoking tobacco leaves rolled thick in the Arcadian style and often traveling disguised, frequently shocking lax underlings when his disguise fades to reveal the silver hair and blue-steel glare (typically accompanied by a withering tirade) of the Old Man.