The History of Andoran

Though Andoran is best known for its novel government, it has a long and storied history behind it: the country has existed in one form or another for over 3,000 years, longer than most of its neighbors, but has not burned as brightly as others—until now. Its brilliance has been subsumed under the hard-edged imperiums of Taldor and then Cheliax, though its people have played instrumental parts in the history of the world: they were the first of the region to sail past the Arch of Aroden, their people the finest commanders in Old Taldor’s navy, and long thesource of the lumber that made it possible for Taldor to support itself across the broad reaches of Golarion. It was only upon the rise of the devil worshipers in Cheliax that Andoran discovered its true purpose: to bring a light to this dark world. 

Andoran’s Timeline

~1700 The birth of Andoran Province, rising from the marchlands of Imperial Taldor.

1853 The Lumber Consortium forms, providing a steady supply of lumber to its imperial masters from Darkmoon Vale.

1900–4000 Andoran consolidates its borders, pays tribute to Taldor, does battle with its neighbors, puts down uprisings, fights monsters, and solidifies into a concrete entity.

4081 Andoran renounces its ties with Taldor as part of Cheliax’s Even-Tongued Conquest .

4600 The Eagle Knights form under the auspices of King Cullaim II, their mission to provide an honor guard to Aroden when the god returns.

4606 Aroden dies. Chaos ensues. Trouble in Cheliax. Panic sweeps Andoran.

4660 The Thrune Ascendancy in Cheliax. Diabolists take control of the houses of power in that country, and bring their cruel sensibility to bear on Andoran. Two years later, Darl Jubannich writes On Government, his tract about the Chelish government’s terrible betrayal of humanity. His words inspire the revolution of 4669.

4669 Andoran declares independence from Cheliax. Recognizing the danger to its fledgling democracy, the government repurposes the Eagle Knights with the cooperation of its military leaders. Cheliax begins its 20-year embargo of Andoran, ending in 4689 when Andoran successfully sinks three Chelish warships outside Westcrown, including the Chelish flagship. 

4691 One of Taldor’s dukes mounts an expedition to take back its “rebellious province,” and lays waste to one of the eastern counties before Andoran gathers its armies. The Eagle Knights gain more importance; rumors spread that they engineered the whole thing.

4697 The Goblinblood Wars threaten the stability of the region, but Andoran perseveres.

4710 The current year.