Speaking Like a Valer

Darkmoon Vale’s human residents all speak Taldoran (also called Chelaxian), the most widespread tongue in the areas surrounding the Inner Sea. They do so, however, with an accent that borrows from the speech patterns of both Andoran and nearby Isger. This distinctive vale accent sounds clipped and sharp, but not to the point of seeming angry. In addition to this unique accent, the people of Darkmoon Vale have their own dialect unique to the area. In order to help you blend in while exploring Darkmoon Vale, make sure to (correctly) use the following phrases.

Cutyard: A tree-felling camp that temporarily houses lumberjacks chopping an area of the woods.

Mudpot: A type of hot spring or fumarole consisting of bubbling mud instead of boiling water. Also called a mud pool or paint pot.

The Store: Lumbering supplies provided by the Lumber Consortium, which often come with additional “taxes,”
even long after purchase.

Stoutfolk: What dwarves of the Five Kings Mountains call themselves.

Valer: A human born, raised, and living in Darkmoon Vale. Immigrants, transients, and non-humans are not Valers.

The Woods: Darkmoon Wood. Valers don’t call any other groups of trees “the woods.”