Night of Silver Blood

In the middle of the night, just as 11 Arodus turned into the 12th, 4707, at the height of a full moon on a clear summer night, an army of battle-hungry hobgoblins and hunched-back werewolves swept from Arthfell Forest. In the most coordinated werewolf attack Olfden had ever faced, the army enveloped the town and immediately set to work building up besieging fortifications and rolling in siege weapons. Trebuchet and catapults rained down destruction on the town’s walls, while hobgoblin archers arced burning arrows into the settlement, igniting the wood and thatched-roof buildings within. Worse, the silvered weapons that Olfden’s defenders relied on seemed to have no effect at all on the werewolves. Strangely, though, whenever silvered weapons struck werewolves, the creatures seemed to bleed silver-colored blood.

During the long night, three waves of werewolves, bolstered by hobgoblin allies and led by Shadow Pack druids, assaulted the town walls, striking from the west, the south, and the east. Olfden’s defenders, used to raids from small groups of werewolves and unprepared for the massive and well-organized assault (to say nothing of the strange silver immunity), very nearly lost the walls at several breaches. Fortunately for the town, however, the heroics of several individuals held the attackers at bay long enough for a sortie of Diamond Regiment soldiers and Fangwatch rangers to break the siege.