
The military of Andoran occupies a special place in the hearts of the people it serves, for the army and navy of Andoran are the people themselves. Its soldiers and sailors are volunteers, rather than conscripts or mercenaries; they do it for love of country and for the honor it brings them. The military does not turn away recruits, but as this is primarily an agrarian society, people need to work their farms, catch fish, cobble boots, shoe horses, and mill grain. Thus, while many volunteer for the army during the summer months after seeds have been planted and the pace of life slows, they return to their lives during the harvest, possibly returning for additional training during the winter when the land has been locked in snow.

Some factions within Andoran believe that the government should promote compulsory military service. With devil-haunted Cheliax on one side and decadent, unpredictable Taldor on the other, surely a need exists for a standing army. By and large, though, the people of Andoran have rejected this idea, believing strongly in one’s right to choose. The farmer and the merchant, they say, contribute as much (or more!) to the wellbeing of the country as does the soldier, and each should be allowed his work.

The military of Andoran sees significant involvement from all walks of life and from all character classes. Rangers and Rogues are common as Ambuscadiers, especially along the borders, where they can track potential enemy movement and scout dangerous troop movement before their enemies know of their presence. Paladins and Chevaliers are more common in the cavalry and the Eagle Knights, where they can use their awesome powers to inspire their companions to greater bravery as Troubardiers and Equiteers.

Any citizen can enlist in the military as a Pediteer, and can choose whether to serve in the army or the navy. Once enlisted, soldiers are expected to serve a set term, and to give up certain rights that would be accorded to ordinary Andorens for the duration of their enlistment. Those who enlist full time are expected to stay a minimum of 2 years. The military offers decent wages, decent food, and the fellowship of like-minded citizens, and the wages increase every time the soldier renews the enlistment. Both men and women may serve.

The pinnacle of military achievement is membership in the Eagle Knights. Most candidates make themselves known by demonstrating exceptional achievement within the ordinary military: achieving near-impossible tasks, saving one’s squad from certain death, uncovering and delivering information vital to national security, and so forth. Non-Andorens may also serve in the Eagle Knights, though their path requires that they show complete devotion to the ideals of the People’s Revolt, and that they provide an extraordinary service to the country, proving that they have both the skills and the mindset necessary to serve Andoran. A contentious minority, rooted in the old ways, suggests that the Eagle Knights should be descended from scions of noble families; indeed, before the People’s Revolt, the Eagle Knights were primarily of the nobility, and expected to provide their own gear. Their activities then were more of a dilettante nature, inspired by dreams of personal glory; now they are in deadly earnest, devoted to the spread of Andoran’s philosophy.

Those who are selected for the Eagle Knights undergo rigorous and secret testing to determine the branch for which they’d be most suited, and are said to bear a small and stylized eagle figurine somewhere upon their person: a golden eagle for the Golden Legion, a blue falcon for the Steel Falcons, and a black hawk for the rumored Twilight Talons. The colors represent the Andoren flag, and stand for honor, courage, and freedom. The Eagle Knights need not identify themselves as such; when they do reveal themselves, they frequently do so suddenly and with a display of prowess to let their foes know that evil shall not prevail. From these elite come the Andoran Musketeers, Haubardiers and Franklocks.

The Gray Corsairs are the navy’s branch of the Steel Falcons. They are among the best sailors on the Inner Sea, and they fly no flags. It’s said that they hide ships along the shores of the Inner Sea, trading crews and markings overnight to prevent pursuit and identification by their enemies. If they attack a flotilla, they save one or two ships for their own use, and sink the rest. When they catch slavers, they annihilate the slavers and teach the slaves to crew the vessels, bringing the freedmen home to Andoran to learn the ways of freedom. The Corsairs cooperate with the rest of the Steel Legion, transporting hardened veterans to hotspots and danger zones. The ships of the Gray Corsairs travel faster than most others on the sea, and it is said that even captured ships become faster under the guidance of the Andorens. Certainly Wizards, Elementalists, Sorcerers and Magii play a huge role with the Gray Corsairs, and priests of sky and sea are always welcome with them.
Gray Corsairs of the Steel Falcon Order of Eagle Knights

Roles Within the Andoran Army:

A pediteer is any kind of infantryman. As equiteers or cavalry are of limited use in areas inhabited by monsters, pediteers tend to dominate most armies. They may be classed as light, medium, and heavy depending on how heavy the armor or proofing they are equipped with is.

An ambuscadier is a type of light infantry which function as skirmishers (Rangers) and scouts (Rogues). They are classed as pediteers as well as palliateers because of their role of operating in stealth and ambush. They may be formed into a piquet comprising other individuals specializing in sneaking (e.g. Rogues). Some Ambuscadiers favor firearms such as the fusil because of its lighter weight and ease of use in woodland as opposed to a standard musket.  The Fusil, also known as a fusee, carabine, or harquebus, is a musket with a shorter barrel than a conventional musket. It is the preferred weapon of ambuscadiers and other light infantry as it is easier to reload and handle in woodland that these pediteers would find themselves operating in and is adaptable as a melee weapon. A disadvantage of a fusil is the trade off in accuracy and range.


Historically ambuscadiers were recruited from trappers and woodsmen, who by the nature of their occupations were skilled at fieldcraft and used to operating in the wilderness. This legacy is reflected in the harness used by ambuscadiers in Andoran’s  armies, which is modeled on the clothing and equipment used by huntsmen.

A musketeer is the basic soldier of Alkenstar, the magic-dead birthplace of firearms. Here in Andoran they are a special pediteer afforded high regard. They wear proofing known as half-harness, consisting of platoon-coat, weskit and thrice-high hat, which repels enemy shot and protects them from some of the effects, and carry smoothbore muskets with bayonets and rapiers. Though more nimble than haubardiers and troubardiers, they are more vulnerable and less heavily armored.
A franklock is a marksman (Gunslinger) who specializes in distance shooting with a long-rifle or sometimes Long Bow. Because the long-rifle is actually not a rifle in the true sense of the word, being a franklock is a highly specialized skill. They may use magic to augment their sight and can hit targets beyond the range of a standard musket. In the table of ranks for Andoran, a franklock is ranked below a troubardier and above an Ambuscadier. Many Franklocks are longbowmen in the tradition of Earth’s English Bowmen.

A haubardier is a type of pediteer, essentially a heavy musketeer. They take their name from the proof-steel haubardine they wear over their proofing, which combined with the gaulded cloth gives them a layer of troubarding over their torso. Thus protected they are all but invulnerable to shots to the chest and back, but may still be harmed by bludgeoning weapons. Their primary armament is a musket and bayonet, though they may also carry a jacksword. A kind of Andoran military short-sword. Andoran’s only Haubardier unit guards the capitol city.

A troubardier (pronounced "troo-bard-ear") is the heaviest type of pediteer. They take their name from the combination of proof-steel armor and proofed clothing they wear into battle, which is known as troubarding. ( Half-Plate over Gaulded Padded armor )This armor makes them all but invulnerable to enemy shot and arrows but at the cost of mobility and speed. While troubardiers are the slowest troops on the battlefield they are also the toughest and are used primarily in an assault role, advancing at a steady pace until they can close with their adversaries. As an elite class of pediteer they also comprise bodyguards and serve as garrison troops and lesquins. ( A lesquin is the best and most expensive class of mercenary, organized into units of regiment and brigade size. They are typically hired by the cities to augment their armies, which are restricted in size by the People's Council ) They are often Paladins or Fighters.

The Undauntable Troubardier


A Grenadier is the latest addition to the Peoples Army of Andoran and the smallest force within its numbers. Comprised of Alchemists in gaulded armored coats sometimes with a proof-steel haubardine (breastplate) They throw explosive, alchemical grenades just as the name suggests.

An equiteer (pronounced "eh-kwit-tear") is a cavalryman (Chevalier). The use of cavalry and horses in general outside of cities is limited by the cost of providing for them, thus most armies of Andoran are primarily composed of pediteers or infantry.
Equiteers use the following specialized equipment:
Equiteer boots: Bright-black leather boots that reach up to the knees. 
Lorica: A proof-steel breastplate that protects the torso. Used by the few heavy equiteer regiments found in Andoran’s Eagle Knight Chevaliers and as well as by troubardiers.
Soulettes: Shoe-proofing that is strapped over the arch and ankle of the foot for extra protection. Also used by civilian riders. 

Troubardiers and Haubardiers led by their Eagle Knight Officers