Cities of Andoran: Augustana

The second city of Andoran, Augustana is primarily a military seaport. The small Arthfell river empties into the sea here, its mouth comprised of an inner harbor (the “fresh harbor”) and an outer harbor (the “salt harbor”) bracketed by two tall headlands. The part of the city surrounding the salt harbor is industrial, including numerous shipyards and dry docks both military and civilian, along with moorage for deepwater sailing vessels of all types. Entrance to the fresh harbor requires passing under two large bridges, the Fleet Bridge and Market Bridge, and therefore the fresh harbor is restricted to small fishing vessels and river traffic. Admiralty Hill to the north is covered with the manors of wealthy naval officers and merchants, though the hillside fronting the harbor has been carved into a series of artificial fjords that serve as cradles for the construction of the most elaborate Andoren warships. Aegis Hill to the south is entirely covered by Fort Constance, a giant coastal fortification which protects the harbor from seaborne attacks and guards the approach to Arsenal Island, the smaller fortress that houses the Andoren naval arsenal. The city has the bearing of a military city, the large civilian commercial presence notwithstanding.

Metropolis standard (democratic government); AL NG
GP Limit 16,000 gp

Population 54,200
Type mixed (70% human, 12% Halfling, 8% dwarf, 4% elf, 4% gnome, 2% other)

Authority Figures
Radas Menadian (male human expert), mayor; Haskell Whaley (human male expert), Consul Admiral of the Andoren Navy; Silea Pentarian (female human expert), President of the Forester’s Endowments

Augustana has seven districts. In the shadow of Arsenal Island stands Arsenal District, a large complex of civilian shipyards and moorage for commercial vessels. This neighborhood facilitates most of the foreign trade that passes through Augustana. The north edge of the fresh harbor is Copperdown, a district overrun by sagging warehouses, decrepit apartments, and shanties. Here reside the lower classes of Augustana, working as longshoremen, fishermen, or other tradesmen in the shadow of the great ships. Divided by the river, Fleet is the commercial heart of Augustana and contains both bridges and several major all-purpose markets, along with housing for those who run them. The Consul Admiral’s true headquarters are in Fort Constance, an imposing pile of stone overlooking the harbor and housing thousands of men. Catapults lining the towers and walls have access to large stocks of alchemist’s fire, making any seaborne assault on Augustana suicidal. South of the river lies Oldtown, the historic center of Augustana, replete with large squares, statues, fountains, and marble-fronted buildings. More money and influence changes hands here than the rest of the city combined. Augustana’s Shipyard District is the birthplace of every ship of war that Andoran produces. Everything from ships of the line to frigates and sloops are produced on the northern shore of the salt harbor. South of Fort Constance, Aegis Hill becomes a long, gentle ridge called the Slopes. Here are the manors of Augustana’s permanent inhabitants, competing with the transient population of officers and merchants residing on Admiralty Hill. Many of the wealthy who live here trace their fortunes not to the sea but to extensive holdings farther inland.

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