Aspodell Mountains

These jagged but relatively low mountains rise to heights around 9,000 feet at their peaks. A convoluted line connecting the range’s highest peaks forms the official border between Cheliax and Andoran, placing most of the range squarely in the former. Only one pass exists through the dangerous, monster-ridden mountains, and over the pass rises Vendikon Keep.

Only because of the town’s location and its keep’s strategic importance does Andoran retain its increasingly tentative claim on Perin’s Bluff, and only because of this claim does the country consider any of the iron-rich Aspodell Mountains its territory. Unlike the imposing Five Kings Mountains to the north, however, the Aspodells themselves are not considered important by the People’s Council in Almas, and thus Andoran grants Cheliax free reign in the range—except for the all-important Aspodell Pass, of course.

Aspodell Rangers: These men and women roam the Aspodell Mountains, looking for giants, trolls, and other fell beasts that lurk in the mountains’ shadowy places. The rangers bow to neither Andoran nor Cheliax, but the governments of both nations claim them as honored citizens and frequently petition for their aid or offer them various forms of support.