Against the Great Guardian of the Temple Glade

From on high Belton Harald, lifted skyward by the mystic power of his wings of blades takes aim at the charging guardian behemoth. Loosing a deadly steel-shafted bolt he watches in frustration as the rampaging creature gallops to the right at the last second and dodges the attack. Sif the stalker of the boreal mountains, crashed a heavy blow down upon the Guardian with Barael’s Blade, the fragile blade shivering with the impact dangerously. Quick Jim Barleycorn draws forth his climbing rope and lashes himself to the protruding stump rising out of the creatures back like a mariner in a sea-born gale, securing himself to the creature to have both hands free for doing battle. Najáre the Huntress clings to the shambling mountain’s hilly back with her ivory claws biting deep, as she hacks mightily at its exposed loamy back. Her tomahawk bites deep and the creature loses a broad swath of its brambley matter to the forest floor.

Blows are rained down upon the bounding, trampling creature. Gaia unleashes waves of searing fire but the rich moist loam of the creatures body seems to damp to catch fire. BUT, as our heroes doggedly bash and batter at the thing evidence of their furious attacks begins to tell. The very nature of the creature’s form seems to change over the course of the attacks and its original verdant vitality seems to drain a bit. Leaving the ground-pounding legs and underside dry and woody even as new life is springing from its back perhaps to bind and entangle Najáre and Quick Jim. Sif, wielding the ancient druid’s mighty elven blade swings true and the head of the creature is cleaved from it’s hilly body, falling heavily to the forest floor with the weight of an anvil.

But this plant yet lives! The loss of its head not fatal for those of it’s leafy ilk. A new, different head sprouts as if in a sudden springtime from it’s shoulders and again it rises to deal death to the party. With renewed vigor our heroes attack the thing, axes smash, sabers hack and cut. Belton smashes his full lantern against the dry logs of its underside and Gaia is quick to repeat her barrage of jetting flames, setting alight its belly in a roar of oil-fueled conflagration. The creature is quick to drop its belly to the ground attempting to smother the deadly blaze. Meanwhile Najáre takes advantage of its distraction to swing in for a telling strike terribly wounding its forelimb. Surrounding the beast on all sides, our heroes attack with righteous fury. The terrible onslaught’s effect is telling. The Grove-Guardian lashes out with its writhing stump claw, snatching the saber from Gaia’s hand and driving it to the ground, striking again it lands a powerful blow but Gaia’s phantasmal armor turns the force of it away and she escapes the attack unharmed. The creature again seems transformed by the ever-mounting ruin that is being lain upon it. Again its form twists and reshapes, not in a winter aspect, devoid of nearly all leaves and it’s skin thick, woody and gnarled.

Now is the winter of its discontent, its new natural armor is great but it’s form is dry and woody and unprotected from Gaia’s magical flames. It rises from its prone position to unleash it’s protectors fury and all the doughty heroes take the opportunity to attack it during its moment of unbalance and distraction. Axe, arrow and sword rain destruction upon it and Jim throws down his cloak over the creatures face, twisting and binding the heavy cloth in the creature’s spiky crown of branches securing it fast. Blinded the thing lashes out in futility, missing it’s foes with its wild-swinging claws. Jim follows with a rain of hammer-blows. Crashing his bal-peen iron hammers into the things head over and over, rattling it’s senses with the cold-iron attacks. Searing bolts of force dart forth from Gaia’s hand and her magic missiles strike true, further diminishing their opponent. And finally, mighty Sif, heedless of the danger of it’s thorny flailing limbs, darts in with the speed of a cobra and swinging a wide arc, lops off this final head of the creature, shattering the great blade into nine pieces and bringing low the guardian once and for all, ending its rampage. A quiet falls upon the glade.

Our heroes search the great depression in the ground where the creature had lain in ambush and find that beneath its bulk lies collected the treasure of the glades previous trespassers. a mound of gold, silver and copper coins. Gemstones. And some curious artifacts. A shining broadsword of northlands manufacture, a rude but incredibly strong and light breastplate of star-fallen adamantine, and the mighty Spirit Staff of Nàrven.