Achievement Feats

Achievement feats require that you meet specific goals within the game in order to qualify for them. The achievement feats detailed below offer Andoren characters new incentives to promote the fundamental ideals of their nation.

Chainbreaker (Achievement)
Nothing rouses your fury and makes you more deadly in battle than the sight of slaves cowering before their masters.

Requirement: Over the course of at least five different occasions, free a cumulative total of 50+ sentient beings held in unjust captivity.

Benefit: When in combat with an opponent that you know owns or trades in slaves, once per round you may add a bonus to damage rolls for a melee attack, ranged attack, or targeted spell against that opponent. This bonus damage is +1 for every four Hit Dice you have.

Devil’s Foe (Achievement)
Once you were just another helpless victim, but now even the deepest pits of Hell ring with the lamentations of your adversaries.

Requirement: Face 10 different devils in combat and take damage or suffer some other sort of injury from five or more attacks made by each one without falling unconscious, fleeing, or otherwise becoming unable to strike back at them.

Benefit: Your attacks count as good-aligned for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of devils.

Eagle Knight Candidate (Achievement)
You have proven your courage and skill to both the Eagle Knights and the leaders of Andoran. Requirement: Character level 5th, convince four different Eagle Knights and either a member of the People’s Council or an Andoran town mayor to write letters of commendation on your behalf.

Benefit: Choose one branch of the Eagle Knights you hope to join. You gain a specific benefit based on this choice.

Golden Legion: Each round as a move action, you may issue commands to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you. Each affected ally that obeys your orders gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls, Armor Class, and saving throws during that round.

Steel Falcons: You deal +1 damage with weapon attacks directed at any creature against which you have concealment. If you have total concealment against the creature, this bonus increases to +2.

Twilight Talons: During the surprise round, the threat range of your weapons doubles for any attack made against unaware targets. This does not stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon.

Talmandor’s Lifting (Achievement)
You felt the powerful wings of Talmandor surround you when you risked death from a fall, and somehow a tiny spark of his essence remains connected to your soul.

Requirement: Take at least 10d6 falling damage on three different occasions and survive.

Benefit: When you cast a healing spell on an unharmed creature, it briefly manifests as a pair of wings made of golden light. The spell’s duration becomes “1 hour or until discharged.” For the next hour, the spell remains on the target, triggering automatically as a swift action if the creature takes damage or experiences an effect that the spell could cure, mitigate, or remove (which causes the wings of light to appear briefly). For example, if you cast lesser restoration on an ally who had no ability damage, the spell would trigger immediately if the target became fatigued, exhausted, or took ability