Life In Andoran

As most Andoren citizens were originally common folk, a visitor might expect their culture to be similarly common and unrefined, but it is an old country and has its share of quirks and surprises.

Since the revolution, the Andorens have taken to emulating the styles of the Azlanti artisans in their official buildings. Great and shallow stairs, tall columns, and wide entries are the hallmark of the style, along with high cupolas, arching ceilings, and domes to draw the eye. It is said that some of the trade guilds have drawn more than the architectural style from the old Azlanti, and that some of the horrors of their history live on in secret teachings and profane books hidden in the guildhalls. Most who hear this scoff at these “Chelish rumors,” but others say that the Eagle Knights have taken the matter seriously enough to investigate.

The smaller villages do not see the same sort of ornamentation as the cities, of course, but even in the meanest rural village, public works projects have begun to erect town halls that mimic those of Almas. While most Andorens are excited to have such monuments within their humble towns, some of the more paranoid citizens whisper that the elaborate frescoes hide arcane symbols, an elaborate code designed to help undercover Eagle Knights communicate, give the Great Council advance notice of unrest, or organize local turncoats for a Chelish invasion.